Portfolio – Travel in Monochrome

Travel photography started in black and white (B&W) and, despite a colourful world, monochrome images have remained an interesting and powerful medium. In B&W photography, compositions can make or break an image with shape, form and texture working together in the absence of sometimes distracting colour.

You can include images of any travel-related subject from documentary to fine art. Images must be monochrome only using the elements of design but without the element of colour.

© Larry Louie

By entering this category twice, or entering this category once plus one of the other four-image portfolio categories once, you will automatically be given a FREE entry for the overall winner of the 2024 awards and be considered for the top award and the title of Travel Photographer of the Year 2024.

ALL finalists in the portfolio categories will be considered for one of three special judges’ awards. The three selected finalists (who can come from any of the four portfolio categories) will have a portfolio review by a leading New York photographer’s agent.

A portfolio of four images which tell a travel story in monochrome

Four images per portfolio.

How many images?

This category is open to all photographers aged 19 and above.

You can enter this category as many times as you want.

  • £22 for one four-image portfolio entry
  • £34 for two four-image portfolios.


  • ‘Two Plus Four’ 12-image combination of 4 One Shot entries and 2 four-image portfolios entered at the same time for £55 (full price £82 if entered individually). 

No! We have always allowed entrants to submit images from their archives – i.e. contemporary photography shot in recent years – and have always said that ‘travel starts when you leave your home’. So it’s your choice. you can travel local or travel further afield. Entries close on 6th October.

Please see the information on digital manipulation and note that entrants who are shortlisted as finalists will be required to provide the original image files (RAW or jpeg as shot).

No AI generated images will be allowed and any entered will be disqualified.

The winner of this category will receive £1250, Radiant Photo imaging software plus membership of the Royal Photographic Society.

The judges will also select their favourite image from all the submitted portfolios. The winner of the Best Single Image award for each portfolio category receives a Genesis Imaging giclée exhibition print.

Special portfolio category award: ALL finalists in the portfolio categories will be considered for one of two special judges’ awards. The three selected finalists (who can come from any of the four portfolio categories) will have a portfolio review by a leading New York photographer’s agent, Frank Meo.

Image © Mark Edward Harris

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